Classic Tents & Events: Anniversary Branding
A project in partnership with Ansley Glenn

Various forms of the original business name logo topped with 25th stylized with the familiar pennant from the tent silhouettes. Shown in black/white only, as color may be added when designs are finalized. Alternate (wavy) pennant was one that was included in sample artwork we received.

This simplistic logo reads well overlaid on a photograph. Image on the left above shows color possibilities. This version promotes “25th Anniversary” (in white with colored pennant) — a flip version might promote “Classic Tents & Events” in white with “25th Anniversary” in colors. Note that the colors are a blue blend with soft highlights, which may be a subtle change for the flat color of your current logo.

Examples of the logo on clothing, vehicles, etc. in one color -or- in a blend of blue to green as a stand-alone element. We might suggest a subtle shift in your color palette for the website, to mark your 25th anniversary celebration — using a blend of blue to green (suggesting ‘blue sky over green earth’) for branding elements.

Examples of a chop or profile image in black/white and blended color. The background element can be a square or a circle. It would also work on clothing, either as a screen-printed element or embroidery. We particularly like the use of a sunny yellow-gold for the pennant, as it gives the artwork a festive look.